
Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Pragmatic Analysis of Novel "Negeri 5 Menara" ( part 2: Keputusan Setengah Hati )

sekedar berbagi tugas dr Dosenku, yang tiap taunnya bkin Galou dg deadline yang mefffeeet....
tugas enni edisi semester 8 tugas  mata kuliah Pragmatics ^^


TIWIK RISTIYANI. 0911202442. English Education Study Program. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Widya Dharma University, Klaten. 2013.  A Pragmatics Analysis of One of Part Story in Negeri 5 Menara Novel by A. Fuadi.
The aim of this study is to describe the kinds of speech acts which are found in One of Part Story in Negeri 5 Menara novell to describe the uses of cooperative principles which are found in One of Part Story in Negeri 5 Menara novel, to describe the uses of politeness principles which are found in One of Part Story in Negeri 5 Menara novel, to describe the uses of ironical principles which are found in One of Part Story in Negeri 5 Menara novel.
In this paper, the writer takes the data from One of Part Story in Negeri 5 Menara Cinta novel by A.Fuadi. The writer uses descriptive qualitative technique in analyzing the data. The technique of collecting the data that can be used by the writer is copying the One of Part Story in Negeri 5 Menara Cinta novel by A.Fuadi. After collecting the data, the writer tries to analyze the conversation within the One of Part Story in Negeri 5 Menara Cinta novel based on the pragmatics theory.
According to the speech act based on the form, the writer finds out the data: 12 data are lucotionary act, and 44 utterances of illocutionary act, consists of 22 Assertive Act, 9 Directives Act, 8 Commissives Act, 4 Expressives Act, and 1 Declarative Act. In speech acts based on the conveying technique, the writer finds out the data: 10 data are direct speech and 4 data are indirect speech. In speech acts based on the meaning interaction, the writer finds out 2 data are literal speech and 1 data are non literal. From the use of cooperative principles, the writer finds out 20 utterances of cooperative principle, consists of 4 utterances of maxim quantity, 13 maxim quality, 2 maxim of relevance, and 1 maxim of manner. The use of politeness principle, the writer finds 4 utterances of politeness principle, consists of 1 utterances of tact maxim, 1 utterance of generosity maxim, and 1 agreement maxim and 1 Modesty Maxim. From the use of irony principle which, the writer finds out 1 datum.

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