
Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

culture is.....

The definition of culture is :
1.      Kuntjoroningrat (1981: 180) states that culture is “...hampir seluruh tindakan manusia adalah kebudayaan...”
Unsur-unsurnya :
a)      Seluruh tindakan
2.      Gazalba (1979: 72) in M.Habib Mustapa (1983: 58) states that culture as “cara berfikir dan merasa yang menyatakan diri dalam seluruh segi kehidupan kelompok manusia yang membentuk kesatuan sosial dalam suatu ruang dan waktu waktu “.
The subtances :
a)      Cara
b)      Berfikir
c)      Rasa  
d)     Kesatuan
e)      Waktu

3.      Harimanto dan Winarno (2008: 25) states “...dapat diperoleh pengertian mengenai kebudayaan sebagai sistem pengetahuan yang meliputi sistem ide atau gagasan yang terdapat pada pikiran manusia...”
Unsur- unsurnya :
a)      Sistem
b)      Pengetahuan
c)      Gagasan
4.      Koetjaraningrat (1981: 182) culture is “segala daya upaya serta tindakan manusia untuk mengolah tanah dan merubah alam”.
Unsur-unsurnya :
a)      Tindakan
b)      Mengolah  
5.      Djojodigoeno (1958: 24-27) in Kuntjoroningrat (1981: 181) states “...sedangkan kabudayaan adalah hasil dari cipta, rasa dan karsa itu”.
Unsur-unsurnya :
a)         Hasil
b)        Cipta
c)         Rasa
d)        Karsa  
6.      Laderach (1955: 9) states “Culture is the shared knowledge and schemes created by a set of people for perceiving, interpreting, expressing, and responding to the social realities around them"
Unsur-unsurnya :        
a)      Shared
b)      Knowledge
c)      Created
d)     Perceiving
e)       Expressing
f)       Interpreting
g)      Responding
h)      Social realities
7.      Dedi and Rakhmat (2006: 25) states “budaya adalah suatu pola hidup menyeluruh”.
Unsur-unsurnya :
a)      Pola hidup
8.      Thompson (1990: 132) views culture as “… the pattern of meanings embodied in symbolic forms, including actions, utterances, and meaningful objects of various kinds, by virtue of which individuals communicate with one another and share their experiences, conceptions and believes”.
Unsur-unsurnya :
a)      Pattern
b)      Maenings
c)      Symbolic form
1)      Action
2)      Utterances
3)      Meaningful objectd

9.      Larson and Smalley (1972: 39) describe culture as “...guides the behavior of people in a community and is incubated in family life”.
Unsur-unsurnya :
a)      Guides
b)      Behavior
c)      Community
d)     Incubated
e)      Family life
10.  Samovar et al. (1981: 3) states “Culture…is the foundation of communication.”
Unsur-unsurnya :
a)      Fondation
b)      Communication

 Deddy Mulyana dan Jalaluddin Rakhmat.Komunikasi Antarbudaya:Panduan Berkomunikasi dengan Orang-Orang Berbeda Budaya.2006.Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
Herimanto dan Winarno.2008.ilmu Sosial dan Budaya Dasar.Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Habib, M.1983.Ilmu Budaya Dasar.Surabaya: Usaha National.
Koentjoroningrat.1981.Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi.Jakarta: Aksara Baru.
Larson,D onald N. and Smalley, William A.1972.Becoming Bilingual:A Guide to Language Learning.New Canaan, C.N: Practical Anthropology.
Lederach, J.P.1995.Preparing for peace:Conflict transformation across cultures.Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
Samovar, L., Porter, R. & Jain, N. 1981.Understanding Intercultural Communication.Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Thompson, J.1990.Ideology and Modern Culture.Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Senin, 07 Maret 2011

menguuras jiwa dan raga,,, T.T

When i walk alone,i’m looking for your shadow ....
I was so asleep with my beautiful dream and following my heart word to be with you...
My feeling that would be never lost, always follow me and will never lose ...(i think)
I’m gonna call you just to “hurry, come and see me , go with all my dream , it’s so scary and i need you  disperately ”
Don’t let out my deep longing ill me...

Your smile remain as felt as ever, have been always got me as felt as thet night,
And  this feeling got me to come back with you urgently.....
All of thing we saw in the past made you ill , ,,
And  i’d been realize allthing that made you turn around, till i know what your real feeling is .

Trully , i wanna get you in my life
To be nightly to each my day......
Although i know it’s  impossible to be fact,,(and its happen you had special feeling with her [may be])
But it’s no matter for me, that’s okay...
[Till i see  THE OTHER that CAN REPLACE YOU in  MY HEART ]

[me and my boy friend,kuingin,biar kusimpan cintaku]