
Sabtu, 29 November 2014

Materi ajar 12 Desember 2014

silahkan kerjakan yak :

 1. Nadia will quit working at Sindang Maju because she..
a. has been ofered a position in another company
b. has signed a contract with another
c. is dissapointed with sindang maju
d. wants to have better carrier
e. wants a better payment

2. from Nadia's letter, we know that she
a. promises to finish her project before leaving Sindang Maju
b. is promoted to another position in the same company
c. is fired rom her current position and seeks another job
d. quits the job at Sindang Maju as an assistants

untuk selanjutnya... klik and save:
kerjakan nomor 16-50
1 hari 10 soal is not a big problem, isn't it? :D
let you try..
we will discuss next friday.. :)  :*

Soal latihan ujian Bahasa Inggris SMA

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